07 Entrepreneurial Learning

Year 7: Full Year / 2 Semesters / Global Learnings

Australian Curriculum Website:  https://v9.australiancurriculum.edu.au/f-10-curriculum/learning-areas/civics-and-citizenship-7-10_economics-and-business-7-10_geography-7-10_history-7-10/year-7

Pre-Requisite: Special Interest Program by application. For more information, refer to website



Students develop entrepreneurial mindsets by Finding Opportunities, Learning by Doing and Making it Happen in a range of Humanities topics. By establishing these capabilities, students cultivate their critical, creative and innovative thinking skills.

The Year 7 curriculum provides a study of history from the time of the earliest human communities to the end of the ancient period, approximately 60 000 BC (BCE) - c. 650 AD (CE).  The study of the ancient world includes the discoveries and the mysteries of this period of history, in a range of societies in places including Australia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, India and China.

Topics may include

  • Geography: Investigation and Product. Water in the world, and Place and liveability Design Thinking Challenge
  • Civics and Citizenship: Problem and Product. The challenges of living in a democracy
  • Economics and Business: Product Social Enterprise and local business collaborations.
  • History: Exploring the ancient world through an entrepreneurial lens, including the question – ‘what lessons did we learn from different ancient cultures?’
  • World Peace Game: Development of Historical, Geographical, Civics and Citizenship and Economics and Business Skills.


Students are assessed against the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards.

Additional Information

No additional costs

Last updated: June 2023