10 Drama A

Year 10:  1 Semester / The Arts

Australian Curriculum Website:  https://v9.australiancurriculum.edu.au/f-10-curriculum/learning-areas/drama/year-10

Pre-Requisite:  Nil


Drama students will further extend their knowledge and understanding of dramatic concepts such as character, relationships, subtext and situation through performance. Students with an interest in technical theatre or design will have an opportunity to experience these specialised roles. Students will be supported in developing communication skills, creativity, collaborative arts practice and confidence in expressing themselves. Students will participate in group production applying their learning within a topic. They will participate in Stanislavski’s system and realism workshops, exploring, analysing, evaluating onstage/offstage roles. Students will also develop skills presenting the history of world theatre through multi modal media.

Topics may include

  • Stanislavski system and realism
  • group production
  • production report writing
  • workshop activities
  • performance
  • multimodal techniques
  • analysis and evaluation
  • collaboration and communication skills
  • production
  • stage and technical design


Students are assessed against the Drama Australian Curriculum achievement standards

  • elements of drama
  • contribution to performance
  • analysis and interpretation of drama
  • evaluation

Additional Information

It is compulsory for drama students to participate in all class performances, including outside of regular school hours performance. Dates will be given well in advance.

Costs: $45 additional fee for live theatre performance.

Fees may change prior to January 2024 when invoices are sent.